CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
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Remote Learning

Remote Learning



We place great value on independent work completed out of school. It develops good habits
and prepares children for the next stages of their education and the workplace. We also
recognise that children work very hard during their time in school and that everybody needs to
relax at the end of a busy day. It is not our intention to overburden children with additional

Remote Learning Expectations

All children will be expected to engage in any remote learning set for them. Teachers will monitor
children’s engagement in remote learning, and will expect children to spend up to 3 hours a day
engaged in remote learning tasks. We will not expect parents to replicate a school day, but
routines are helpful and there are resources available online to support parents in this regard such

Teachers will not expect children who are unwell to engage in remote learning. When bubbles are
closed, teachers will share work daily using Zoom, Tapestry for EYFS, SeeSaw for Years 1 – 3, and
Google Classroom for Years 4-6. This will include tasks to be carried out; as well as details of
where to find resources and how to submit work. Expectations around TTRockstars and reading
will remain the same. Children alongside their parent(s) / Carer(s), agree to online learning user

Remote Learning content
At Christ Church CE, Lewis Street and Lark Hill Primary School, our Remote Learning offer will
enable children to continue to master the skills and knowledge set out in the curriculum for their
year group and/or stage of learning. Teachers will provide the following:
• Daily Maths tasks.
• Daily English tasks – Reading and/or Phonics; and/or Writing including Spelling.
• One other curriculum area per day, with PE being taught live at least once a week.
(Encourage physical activity – PE; yoga; dance or Joe Wicks etc…)

Contact with teachers
Teachers will ensure that they are in regular contact with all children during any period of remote
learning. Where work is submitted, feedback will be given daily. This maybe written and/or verbal.
There will be a minimum of one individual telephone call to each family during every two-week

Remote Learning resources
As part of the remote learning offer at Christ Church CE, Lewis Street and Lark Hill Primary Schools,
teachers will provide a range of learning opportunities, including:
• Live lessons in cases where the whole class/bubble is shut.
• PowerPoints that are used in school should be emailed home where the whole bubble is
not closed using Teachers2Parents, SeeSaw or Google Classroom.
• Pre-recorded videos enabling concepts to be explained to children on screen.
• Links to websites and games to play.
• On-screen worksheets and reading material which is differentiated appropriately.
• If a whole bubble is closed, paper-based activities should be available for children.
• If a whole bubble is closed, children who are unable to access on-line learning and /or
children who find it difficult to engage with on-line learning, will be sent alternative
• Teachers will keep a register of who is accessing remote learning.

Please find below information about remote learning at our school if  your child should need to access this from home.