CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
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Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome everybody to the Nursery section of the website.

Class Teacher: Ms Mead
LSA: Miss Watson
LSA: Miss Garsia

If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to ask one of the Nursery team.

Reading at home

We encourage you to share a book with your child at least five times a week. This could be at bedtime or after dinner.

Please provide your child with a reading folder (no rucksacks) and encourage your child to bring in their reading folder each day.

Each time you read with your child please sign their reading record each with;

  1. the date
  2. title of the book
  3. your signature


You can also use the Oxford Owl website to access reading books. We have a class login:

Password:Nursery123 (case sensitive)



We will send observations via Seesaw. If you want to share any home learning please upload pictures and comments onto Seesaw. You will need to download the app onto your electronic device and then you will be sent a link by your child's class teacher to activate your account. 



Our P.E day is Friday. Please dress your child in their P.E. kit on a Friday. 

Girls and Boys:

Plain black/navy shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms, no logos 
Plain white T-shirt or polo top, no logos or motifs
Navy blue jumper, school sweatshirt
Plain black trainers

Please see the school website for the uniform policy.


Water bottles, snacks, spare clothes and school uniform

Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a name label on bottles and refill them every day with only cold water.

Children can purchase snacks at the start of each half term (telephone the school office) or bring a healthy snack for snack time - no nuts, please. There is fruit available each day.

Milk - to order your child milk you need to accept this a term in advance via the PA CONNECT app as the school has to order it to ensure there is no wastage. 

Please provide your child with spare clothes, clearly labelled, that can stay on their peg in case of any accidents. 

Please ensure that all school uniform and your child's coat are clearly labelled. 


This term we will be exploring number rhymes; how quantities change when something is taken away and if there is more or fewer objects. Built into our topic we will be using positional language of in, on and under.

We are going to be talking about our daily routines; if you can build in talk around this at home it will support your child’s learning further.

Mark Making

 Every day we do our yoga to aid our gross motor skills. Yoga helps us to develop of concentration and memory skills and enables us to be ready to learn.  We will be using  variety of tools to develop finger and hand strength.


We are continuing with Phase 1 phonics from Aspect 1-7, developing an awareness rhythm and rhyme as well as alliteration. We will also continue to vocalise the sounds during play and through a selection of games. We will continue to build on our phonics skills through Read Write Inc  and learning how to recognise and form graphemes to those children who are ready in the Summer term.


Our topic this half-term is:

Marvellous Me!

We will be exploring what makes them special and why. To build upon this we will be learning about who helps to make us special.

The children will be developing to learn how to be independent in Nursery, such as choosing where to play and interacting with others. We would like them to access resources independently and to use their own thoughts and ideas when inside and outside of the classroom.

We will be looking at our new reflection topic of 'care' and what this looks like in our daily lives.

Please support this independence at home through encouraging them to put their clothes and shoes on, zip up their coats and try feeding and cutting their food.