CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
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Welcome to Reception!

Welcome everybody to the Reception section of the website 

Class Teachers: Miss Johnson, Miss Robinson and Miss Ali 
LSAs: Ms Toft, Mrs Brady and Miss Neziri, Mrs Harris and Mrs Newbury

If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask one of the Reception team members.

Please see our Spring Newsletter to find out more about our learning! 


Homework and Online Learning Journal

Your child's learning journey will be on Seesaw. Please check Seesaw daily for updates and tasks set. Soon we will be setting weekly homework challenges for you to complete with your child at home. Please send in your responses through Seesaw for us to celebrate in class.


PE will continue to take place every Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings in a full PE kit with their name clearly labelled to get changed into at school. 

PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps. Children may wear black jogging pants and a jumper in the colder months. 

Water bottles, snacks and spare clothes

Your child can bring in a water bottle with WATER ONLY. This can be accessed by your child throughout the course of the day to ensure they stay hydrated.

Snacks are also permitted for snack time. However, as we are a healthy school these must be healthy, nut free snacks e.g. fruit, bread sticks or crackers. Children are also offered a piece of fruit every day. 

Please provide your child with spare clothes clearly labelled that can stay on their peg in case of any accidents.