Class Teachers: Miss Dunn & Miss Parr
LSAs: Mr Lane, Miss Newbury & Mrs Berry
Welcome back! We hope you have had a brilliant Christmas and New Year! This term is going to be busy with us preparing for SATs. Boosters are underway and will ensure you can make the most progress possible.
Updates, homework, and messages will also be shared on our class SeeSaw page, so please make sure you are connected to the class page.
Reading at Home
We appreciate that it is not always possible to read every night with your child, but we do ask that you make every effort to read at least 5 times per week with them. Reading at home doesn’t always mean their school reading books, it could be anything from a newspaper, magazine, kindle books to instructions of a board game!
FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home:
Maths - Fraction, decimals and percentages
This term we will be facing the largest units in the Year 6 curriculum: fractions, decimals and percentages. Times tables are vital in becoming confident mathematicians in these areas. This area of the curriculum carries the most weight on assessments which is why we will be spending the majority of the term covering them.
English - The boy in the striped pyjamas
This half term we will be reading ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne. This is a brilliant story linking to our WW2 History topic. We kindly ask that you do not watch the film before we finish the book as this will ruin the story.
In Science this year, we will revisit and learn new themes each week. We have some great topics this year which are listed below.
Biology - This term we will be starting to learn about the circulatory system and different animal life cycles.
Chemistry - Let’s investigate how to separate different mixtures!
Physics - We will be building on our knowledge of forces & magnetism, electricity and Earth and space.
History - Why did Britain go to war in 1939 and what impact did it have?
We will be learning about the events leading up to the beginning of WWII. We will then be delving into the Battle of Britain, Blitz and home effort before considering what life was like for evacuees. Finally, we will learn about the concentration camps and how they were liberated.
Geography - Why does global population change?
Our Geography lessons will be all about reasons for population increase and decline (using birth and death rates to support this) and why certain areas are more densely populated than others. Finally, we will consider some of the reasons for migration and refugees.
Art - Surrealism
In our art topic, we will be studying surrealism and creating a sculpture in this style. We will be using wire and Plaster of Paris to create our own surrealist pieces.
P.E days this term are Tuesday and Wednesday.
On P.E. days please bring your P.E. kit in a bag. PE kit consists of: a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps. Children may wear plain black jogging pants and a jumper in the colder months if they go outside.
Water bottles & snacks
Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a label on bottles and refill them every day. Children can purchase bread sticks at the start of each half term (see Miss Brown in the school office) or bring a healthy snack for break time.