CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
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Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Class Teachers: Miss Dunn & Miss Parr
LSAs: Mr Lane and Mrs Berry


Welcome to Year 6!


Reading at Home

We appreciate that it is not always possible to read every night with your child, but we do ask that you make every effort to read at least 5 times per week with them. Reading at home doesn’t always mean their school reading books, it could be anything from a newspaper, magazine, kindle books to instructions of a board game!

FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home:




P.E days this term are Tuesday and Thursday. 

On P.E. days please bring your P.E. kit in a bag. PE kit consists of: a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps. Children may wear plain black jogging pants and a jumper in the colder months if they go outside.


Water bottles & snacks

Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a label on bottles and refill them every day. Children can purchase bread sticks at the start of each half term (see Miss Brown in the school office) or bring a healthy, nut-free snack for break time.