We understand that your child starting school for the first time is a very important step which, even in normal circumstances can be daunting. Therefore, if you require any support or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email address: lewisstreet.primaryschool@salford.gov.uk
We look forward to hopefully welcoming you and your child to the Lewis Street family at the beginning of a very exciting part of their learning journey.
To provide families with an introduction to our Early Years, we have put together a short virtual tour of our indoor and outdoor Provision at Lewis Street and a Virtual Welcome Meeting, please see below
Ms Mead- Nursery Teacher
Miss Watson - Learning Support Assistant
Additional Staff you will meet at Lewis Street
Paula Warding- Executive Headteacher
Claire Kinch- Head of School and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Michelle Johnson - Assistant Head for Early Years & Year 1.
Charlene Skeels - Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Tracey Redgrave, Children and Families Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
We do lots of enjoyable and messy activities in Nursery, and inevitably the children will get dirty. For this reason we require children to wear a school uniform. We also ask that parents and carers provide a spare set of clothes which must stay on your child’s peg. These clothes do not have to be uniform, but they allow us to easily change your child should they have an accident or get wet. The clothes should be in a carrier bag labelled with your child’s name (no rucksacks, please) Please also supply a change of underwear, in case of ‘accidents’.
The school uniform for Lewis Street is as follows:
• White polo shirt
• Black or grey skirt/ trousers/ pinafores
• Navy sweatshirt/ jumper/ cardigan with or without logo
• Summer Months: Optional Blue & White Summer dress
• White polo shirt
• Black or grey trousers
• Navy sweatshirt/ jumper with or without logo
• Summer Months: Black/ grey shorts