Welcome everybody to The Leaf section of the website.
Class Teacher: Mrs Ottiwell
LSAs: Miss Farrow, Mrs Pasco and Miss Monaghan.
If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to ask one of The Leaf team.
What is The Leaf?
The Leaf is a special resourced class within Lewis Street Primary School which caters for children who experience Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. It is based on Nurture Group philosophy.
It is staffed by a full time teacher and learning support assistants.
6 children can access the class at any one time.
The class is an integral part of the school and children join mainstream activities as part of their daily routines and transition programmes.
All children in the class have a Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, and is differentiated according to each child’s stage of development.
All children have a full assessment when they first come to the class and this is then used to plan their learning.
Each child follows their own programme and their progress is closely monitored through observations and more formal assessments. Targets are shared and reinforced on a daily basis and achievement rewarded.
For children accessing the class full time, their transition to mainstream is carefully planned: children may join their peer group for lunchtimes, playtime and enrichment time. As they progress the transition will build on their strengths, allowing them to join classes where they will experience success. Each stage will be monitored and taken at the child’s pace.
There is a strong focus on PSHE and emotional regulation throughout all activities.
As part of the curriculum in the leaf your child will also take part in activities in the sensory room and nurture sessions like cooking, outdoor learning, messy play and even horse riding.
Reading is brilliant and we want to encourage children to do it as much as possible. We are going to be reading books together as a class but we would also like the children to read regularly at home. They will have a reading folder to take home and a reading log to record any reading they do. The reading logs will be checked regularly. Prizes will be given out for those children that read the most.
PE lessons will take place every Friday as well as joining their mainstream class. Year 2 is on Monday, Years 1 and 3 is on Wednesday. Children can come to school wearing their PE kit. Please make sure they are wearing the correct kit - white t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and plain black trainers or pumps. They can wear their school jumpers if they are going outside.
Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a label on bottles and refill them every day.
Please download our parent app 'Parent Connect' to stay up to date with school letters. Children's schoolwork will be uploaded to SeeSaw weekly so please make sure you are checking this. We would also love to see pictures of exciting news from home and learning tasks, please use Seesaw for this.